Health Stuff
/Seidman Academy Health Protocols
First, proof of a negative test result in regard to any viral infection, COVID or otherwise, within 48 hours before arrival. This is required and verified in regard to every student and staff person—including myself, Peter, before starting the program.
A highly effective facial rinse solution designed by Australian physicist Dr. Kenneth Seaton and endorsed by a growing number of medical doctors and infectious disease specialists. This formula flushes out viruses, bacteria, and allergens from the two main bodily portals for pathogens—the eyes and nose. This is supervised with each child and staff person immediately upon arrival on the first day, and immediately following any activity outside the hotel during our stay.
Maximum clinically-researched daily doses of Vitamin C, with bioflavonoids to assist absorption and buffered to avoid gastro-intestinal irritation.
Ample hand washing, especially before preparing or eating meals, and daily sterilization of all eating and bath areas.
Healthy nutritional regimen—lots of well-washed organic green vegetables and fruits—very little sugar.
Practicing food combining—enabling proper digestion by separating as much as possible the consumption of protein, fats, and carbohydrates.
Ensuring all students are well-hydrated.
9-10 hours’ sleep every night.
Why do we do all this? Read on . . .
I’m not a doctor or nutritionist. But I do read a lot. In doing so, I've discovered certain facts that thousands of doctors and researchers all agree upon.
This is despite the advertising, conventional wisdom, and pharmaceutical-sponsored "news" articles you may have seen to the contrary. Their findings explain why many, if not most, of the thousands of young performers I've known are...
underweight, (that’s right- underweight!)
chronically lacking energy
often sick with colds and coughs
suffering from acne, allergies, headaches, digestive disturbances, mood swings, anxiety, chronic stress, and a variety of other symptoms of emotional and nutritional imbalance.
How is this related to your career? Any career?
I'm assuming two things about feeling and looking unhealthy:
You don't like it.
You don't perform as well- artistically, academically, or even socially.
In hopes that you'll welcome some easy-to-read, well-documented health advice, I offer you this little column which will serve either as an occasional sidebar, or as the main blog entry, depending on my schedule each month. Slowly and steadily start doing as much of this as you can, and you’ll...
look better
feel better
think better
become a better performer- in any field.
In fact, it's my firm conviction that your career will take a surprising and permanent leap, (dancers: pun intended), forward.
Until next time, take good care of yourself.
Peter Seidman